
Did They Launch or Didn't They?

SixDegrees4/05/2009 5:10:01 am PDT

re: #137 Racer X

I am not worried about this at all.

This is ‘lil Kim’s way of screaming “look at me! Look at me!”

In general, I agree. But giving in over and over and over again is not a good pattern, and the US along with it’s partners in this matter have made that mistake many times, reinforcing this sort of behavior.

It would be nice to see a definitive “No!” from our side. The problem is: what can you withhold from a nation whose populace is already amongst the most deprived on the planet? In other words: what can the US, China and Japan do, apart from imposing more meaningless sanctions, that will apply any real leverage to the problem?

China is the key here. They want to become a world power; encourage them to take a leadership role in resolving this crisis. As noted above, all they have to do is open their border. Or declare that NK is in violation of their latest agreement, and announce that they’re sending the Army in to confiscate NK’s nuclear resources.

Having the US take on the role of aggressor, in this case, is not a good option.