
Palin's Attorney Threatening Lawsuits

debutaunt7/06/2009 1:40:07 pm PDT

re: #194 wintercat

Embarrassment? Over Palin? The press? Not sure I follow…

Since she can’t get an even shake in the press, perhaps she is hoping to be vindicated in the courts. Only time will tell whether or not this was a sound move on her part. I will say that I cannot recall any individual in American politics who has had to endure more personal attacks (or attacks on their family), slander, defamation, and hate than Palin (I think even the Bush kids made out better than Palin’s brood). It has been absolutely stunning to observe how much people love to hate her and how readily they will accept and revel in any negative morsel (true or not) about her they can find.

I’m embarrased for our country. We used to stand for fair play.