
Glenn Beck Promotes Book by Antisemitic Nazi Sympathizer

Gus6/05/2010 11:13:05 pm PDT

This is hilarious. From the book:


One of the best press-agented men in the world is Albert Einstein, who dares to tell the smart professors that his Relativity theory is so far beyond their intelligence that they cannot understand it and gets away it! They know, sure enough, that they cannot understand it but evidently figure that the best thing to do is to keep quiet and leave him undisturbed on his self erected scientific throne, lest perchance his theory might be found to have some basis some day, in which event they would be classed as ignoramuses for having doubted it in the first place.

Fellow workers in the Red movement are glad, of course, to magnify Einstein’s importance in order to point out with pride that the greatest most un-understandable scientist in the world is one of their number.

But no publicity for some reason is given to those sober courageous scientific authorities who with proof deride Einstein’s theory. Dr. Nikola Tesla takes sharp issue with Einstein, saying: “The Einstein theory in many respects is erroneous.” Charles Lane Poor, Ph. D., Professor of Celestial Mechanics at Columbia University, states: “The supposed astronomical proofs of the theory as cited and claimed by Einstein do not exist.” Prof. Thomas Jefferson See, a distinguished scientific authority, says: “Einstein is neither astronomer, mathematician nor physicist. He is a confusionist. The Einstein theory is a fallacy. The theory that ether does not exist, and that gravity is not a force but a property of space can only be described as a crazy vagary, a disgrace to our age.” Prof. Dayton C. Miller lectured before the Western Society of Engineers on his experiments in complete refutation of the Einstein theory.

Perhaps the most exhaustive treatise on the Einstein theories is the volume entitled “The Case Against Einstein,” written by Dr. Arthur Lynch, a very eminent English scientist. While much of this treatise is a technical analysis of the mathematical and philosophical fallacies of Einsteinism from a scientific standpoint, part of it is of interest to the layman. Dr. Lynch cites such critics of Einstein as the noted mathematicians, M. Picard, Henry Poincare, “perhaps the most celebrated of his race since Cauchy,” G. Darboux, “who received the Nobel prize for mathematics,” M. Paul Painleve, LeRoux, the German Klein, the Italians Ricci and Levi Civita, “who have done most to develop the mathematical instrument used by the Relativists” and who reject Relativity, and the American “framers of the case which is the corner stone of the theory, the Michelson-Morley experiment. Michelson rejected the Relativist theory.”

She then proceeds to inform the reader of the “diabolical Communist” intentions of Einstein.