
Fundamentalist Indoctrination: Mandatory in the US Army?

SanFranciscoZionist8/20/2010 10:24:28 pm PDT

re: #240 JasonA

I see what you’re saying. I think it was sincere on W’s part, though. I’ve known people who went to Texas for not too long and came back nearly unrecognizable. Clinton had that kind of appeal a little, too. HW had none. Zip. Zilch. Didn’t make him any worse of a president.

HW was a New Englander down to his shoes.

The most HW story I ever heard involved him being asked what he was thinking about when his plane was shot down during the war. He reportedly said that he was thinking about his parents, and the values they instilled in him, and separation of church and state.

Molly Ivins sternly reproves anyone who might doubt this version, and adds, “Let’s face it. YOU wouldn’t have been thinking about the separation of church and state.”

It simply would never have occurred to HW to talk about his emotions in public. It isn’t done.