
Overnight Video: The Device

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)10/03/2012 7:01:06 am PDT

re: #244 Cannadian Club Akbar

Tons of shark teeth in Venice. We were doing a housing development about 5 miles from the beach and one foreman got a tooth that was 4” long.

That’s a real good one. There’s a well-known beach in Venice where they wash up since the same strata we were scraping in the Peace River is being eroded out by the sea right there. And they find the larger teeth in such in the quarries around there as well.

(We were staying in Venice specifically to go walk that beach a few times. Besides fossil shark teeth we also found a few “current” ones. I still have a box with some teeth and scallop shells sitting somewhere in the apartment.)

Also had a really, really, good lunch that day at a crab shack down near Port Charlotte. Group having lunch next to us included Sam Shields father (or the business partner of his father, I forget which.) It was right after the Super Bowl and the man had a Shields jersey on.