
Android KITKAT 4.4 - the Future of Confectionery

Eclectic Cyborg9/05/2013 9:13:11 am PDT

OT, after quite a bit of soul searching, I believe I have decided NOT to go back to college.

While the idea of obtaining another degree does hold some interest for me, I find more compelling reasons to not go than to go. Among them:

1) Cost - Yes, I believe I could qualify for a Pell Grant but I’m not totally sure on that and even then, I’m not certain the grant money would be enough to cover the full cost of my education, even at a community college (which is what I’d be limited to). The other option is of course FAFSA or private loans but I really, REALLY don’t want to come out of college with a mountain of debt. I escaped debt free the first time but I doubt my ability to be able to do so again as my circumstances are much different.

2) The classes themselves - I may just be getting more bitter an cynical as I get older but it seems like there is so much bullshit that goes on at college these days and I’m not just talking about textbook pricing. It just seems like a whole pile of drama that I don’t want or need. I don’t doubt in my ability to handle the actual coursework, it’s just all the other things that come with it.

3) Life goals - My dream is to be a writer. I am a creative person by nature and I’ve always loved to write. I have already published my first ebook and I’m hard at work on a second and third. I know you can take creative writing classes and so on, but I feel I can be an effective writer without taking those steps. Oh, I know it’s hard work and study regardless, but I think I’d rather do things of my own avail than in a classroom setting.

My two current associates degrees are in journalism and marketing. Journalism is a struggling industry right now and unfortunately since most people see marketing and sales as one and the same, I haven’t been able to draw much with the marketing degree besides commission only sales jobs with no benefits.

Even if I did go back to college and get another degree, there’s no guarantee I’d find a good job even IF said degree was in a field that supposedly has strong prospects.

I have a steady job right now that affords me enough spare time to pursue my writing goals. I think I’d rather throw everything I’ve got into that and see what happens before investing in more education.