
CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy Photo Gallery, Featuring Cowboy Reagan

Dark_Falcon3/08/2014 8:08:57 pm PST

re: #215 TedStriker

Then, Lucas went weak in the knees on the Special Editions and made Greedo shoot a split-second before Han.

One of more than a few unforgivable sins about how Lucas has retconned things into the SW universe over the years.

It was a major FAIL on his part. A critical part of the original movie is Han Solo as the smuggler who gradually comes to be willing to fight for something greater than himself (though that was an angle that had been explored long before in Casablanca). Solo’s action makes sense for the criminal Solo is at the time: Han’s not a double-crosser, but he’s in it for himself and Chewbacca and he won’t think twice about shooting someone who is a threat to him.