
Right Wing Journalism Watch: Breitbart "News" Photoshops Nancy Pelosi's Head on Miley Cyrus

William Lewis4/07/2014 4:43:10 pm PDT

As some of you may recall, I mentioned last week that I had put in an application for a custodian’s job at the local “intermediate” school (grades 3 - 5 as a separate building for some reason). Turned in my application on Thursday and the application period closed Friday and this morning (!) I got a call asking me to interview tomorrow morning at 9:30. :D

I find the idea of being a school janitor rather pleasing. Enough money to live decently on, benefits, reasonable hours & plenty of time for my hobbies (shooting guns & cameras ;) So, I’d really like to get this one, so any prayers positive waves and good thoughts any lizard can spare would be gratefully accepted.