
R.E.M. to Trump and the GOP: "Go F*ck Yourselves"

Higgs Boson's Mate9/10/2015 7:11:18 am PDT

re: #204 HappyWarrior

Well considering your party won’t even let PP’s leaders defend themselves at the hearings, I think kangaroo court is a pretty apt description. Don’t hate on Esquire because the truth hurts.

Though they can run a hearing any way they want to, the conservatives do remind us endlessly that they’re the keepers of the flame regarding Real America. What could be less in keeping with American tradition than denying the accused the right to face those giving evidence against them?

Trey Gowdy and the rest of the simpletons carrying out this farce don’t want a hearing, they want a railroad job. Lamentably, they are so inept that even with complete control of the proceedings they can’t accomplish that if Planned Parenthood is allowed to testify.

If they were capable villains I would have some grudging respect for them. This lot is so diminished in capacity that they set flaming bags of dog shit on their own porches and then pat themselves on the back when they stomp out the fire.