
Trump Abruptly Cuts Off Interview After Saying About His Obama "Wiretap" Claims: "I Don't Stand by Anything"

lawhawk5/01/2017 3:04:41 pm PDT

re: #241 Blind Frog Belly White

Another dumbass GOPer who doesn’t get how insurance works, or how someone can get a preexisting condition.

Accident? Slip and fall? Cancer? Any can happen to someone who lives “right” does all the “right things” and they’d be saddled with higher costs. This is the same batcrap insanity that Ryan was pushing just a few short weeks ago - when Ryan showed everyone that his “policy wonk” credentials was just so much BS.

A person who lives a saintly life can get a preexisting condition just as surely as a sinner.

Making sure that polluters get to pollute toxic materials into the air and water as the GOP are currently enabling certainly means more people exposed to chemicals that will result in harmful outcomes (and preexisting conditions as a result).

What of a baby born with defects sustained from inadequate prenatal care/coverage? That child will have a preexisting condition for the rest of their life.

On and on it goes.

These people are sick and twisted, and they’ll be looking to cut mental health coverage too.