
Seth Meyers: Mitch McConnell Shamelessly Says "The Era of Bipartisanship Is Over"

Belafon6/11/2021 9:31:31 am PDT

It should also be said, when looking at the possibility that there could be 10 Republicans in the Senate willing to actually do something to help the nation, this agreement might just be vapor as the members of the very group who supposedly reached it are definitely not on the same page.

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah said talks are “in the middle stages” but that there wouldn’t be a deal Thursday. Democratic Sen. Jon Tester of Montana said there was no agreement but “we might” get there, then listed the key problem of disagreement over total spending and how to pay for it. “For some people it’s going to be plenty, for others it’s not going to be near enough. There’s going to be challenges for Republicans and Democrats,” Tester said. “The words [Republicans] use are: we have a general, total agreement.” He’s saying, without saying it, that Republicans are lying.

That doesn’t bode well for progress in this group.