
Gaza Video Supplier Responds

Last Mohican1/11/2009 11:22:25 am PST

Another of the “Palestine” films was called “Tension,” and was directed by Rashid Mashharawi. No other credits are available on NUFF’s website. According to NUFF’s program listing:

Rashid Masharawi was born and raised in Shati refugee camp, Gaza Strip. He is a self-taught filmmaker, at eighteen beginning to work in the cinema industry and acquiring skills on over twenty films before starting himself to write and direct his own. Masharawi’s films portray his knowledge of living under the Israeli Occupation in refugee camps, the new space of the intifada, as well as his constant reflection on cinema narrative:
“What I have been trying to do is make out of the Palestinian situation a cinema. I have something like fifteen films, between features, shorts, and documentaries, and together I feel they can offer a mirror and document of the Palestinian life in the last twenty years, in the same time to try to make cinema.”

After a decade of work and establishing a name as a filmmaker, Masharawi founded in 1996 the Cinema Production and Distribution Center (CPC) in Ramallah, as a way for Palestinians to have the opportunity to acquire knowledge of the field of cinema by working in actual productions. The CPC also initiated the Mobile Cinema, which brings screenings to refugee camps in the form of an annual “Kids Film Festival.”
NUFF will show his film “Tension”.

CPC’s website appears to be defunct at this time.

The final “Palestine” film was made by the younger Palestinian filmmaker, Ahmed Mashharawi, who was born in 1983, and therefore was 22 or 23 years old at the time of NUFF 2006. This film was called “The Young Boy and the Sea.” Here is NUFF’s program entry:

The Young Boy and the Sea
Palestina 2006 doc 15’00 

Prod: Nepras
Dir: Ahmed El-Mashharawi 

Script: Nehal Afana

Music: Badreia Sukkar

Cast: Mohammed Ali

Mohammed is a young Palestinian boy ,who lives in Der-El-Balah Camp in Gaza and works as a fisherman(boy). The film talks about one day of Mohammed’s life. We film one day of Mohammed’s life from the early morning until the end of the day. Mohammed is a yound boy who works as a fisherman(boy) in the morning then he goes to the school and continue his daily life.The film talks about the details of his life and the problems that face him in the Camp.

Ahmed Al-Mashharawi is a Palestinian fimmaker. He did a lot of documentaries for Arabic & Western channels e.g. - (Mashel ala Tareq El-Quds ) It’s about eventes in El-Aqusa Revolt. - (Invasion) It’s a documentary. - (Gun Men)& (Tunnels) They are two documentaries for (BBC4).
Ahmed, Nehal and Badreia will be at NUFF to present there film and participate at the workshops.