
The Inauguration Speech

Ceemack1/20/2009 11:07:25 am PST

re: #206 MJ

Jimmy Carter, the antisemitic worm from Georgia, can’t let Obama have the spotlight to himself today. Nope. Today Carter releases his newest attack on Jews and Israel. Basically, it calls for recognizing Hamas, recognizing the Palestinian ‘right of return” to Israel, and blames Israel for everything.

But what would anyone expect from the piece of crap?


Certainly not any introspection as to his own role in creating the mess that is the current Middle East.

If he hadn’t abandoned the Shah, Khomeini would have lived out his days glowering in Paris. There’d be no Hezbollah, there’d be no Hamas. There might not even be an Al Qaeda.

The situation in Gaza isn’t Israel’s fault…it’s Jimmuh’s fault.