
Evolutionary Adaptations Forced by Climate Change

JacksonTn8/14/2009 4:44:53 pm PDT

re: #235 Jimmah

I would say that the vast majority of people who are in the business of selling anything are in it for the money - I don’t see any reason why green products should be any different. Business is business.

Jimmah … that is true and I like to keep business making money all by themselves … but I am just pointing out my experiences with many in the “green” movement … who in public say one thing and when they are behind closed doors negotiating say another … sometimes it is portrayed that if you don’t “buy green” you are doing something wrong and I am just saying that “green” is not always really “green” … and go to a store and if you see near perfect fruit … I would bet you that is not really a totally organic piece of fruit … I don’t care what the label says …