
Facts Not a Stumbling Block for Malkin

SixDegrees12/16/2009 5:16:13 pm PST

Public hounding of teachers is a specialty of Malkin’s. Her minions did the same thing last year over a teacher that had crossed their line of acceptable behavior in some way, and launched a barrage of hate emails at the school where she worked, both to her and anyone else on the staff or school district that had a contact address.

Unfortunately, it turned out they had the wrong school.

Not that it mattered. The teacher in question had worked there several years previously, long before she committed her supposed offense, but the school “should have known better” than to have hired her in the first place.

Or something.

Teachers make great targets. They rarely have the wherewithal to defend themselves, and school board members are in a similar situation, as well as being sensitive to public criticism where children are concerned. It’s easy to get parents riled up over their children being “abused” in some way, even if the story concerns a district across the country.

She’s found a vulnerable, easy target, and exploits it often.

Don’t expect any retractions. She’ll stop talking about it herself, but will happily let her shit-flinging monkeys continue to flog themselves into a frenzy of hatred for as long as it takes to exhaust themselves.