
Crack in the Far Right World

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/21/2010 8:19:32 pm PDT

re: #234 karmic_inquisitor

I agree with that. But for the individual concerned, if they had an obligation and they are forgiven that obligation, that is worth money. Real money. And taxes are not something that the government steals from you, they are legal, decided upon by our representatives, and we really are honor-bound by them. Government is not, and cannot be, free.

How we tax is worthy of a lot of debate. Saying that all your money is ‘yours’ and the the government ‘takes’ some muddies the debate a great deal. If I make a deal with someone that while I’m on their land, I’ll give them one out of every ten fish that I catch, that tenth fish is theirs the moment I catch it. It’s never mine.