
Tuesday Night Open

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)11/10/2010 6:08:29 am PST

re: #243 ralphieboy

Germans mark November 11th in entirely different ways.

Needless to say, they do not make much of a big deal about the end of WWI, although nearly every town or village has a memorial to the dead from the war, most of which have had the dead from WWII amended later.

[the troop stops before a memorial]
Johnson: Would you look at how fast they put the names of all our guys who got killed?
The Sergeant: That’s a World War One memorial.
Johnson: But the name’s are the same.
The Sergeant: They always are.

One of my favorite war movie quotes since it puts home a very solid point. And I expect said movie to be shown on at least a few channels tomorrow as well.