
Nate Silver: Obama's Chance of Winning Now at 91.4%

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)11/06/2012 5:12:37 am PST

Good Morning Lizardia!

Cold this morning in Philadelphia - 30s!

Voted already. Took about 15 minutes of waiting in line with about 5 of those minutes indoors. I was 47th to vote in the precinct, and the senior citizens running the polling place were their normal and energetic selves.

A few observations:
1. They moved the actual polling place from the lobby of the apartment building into a vacant shop kiosk on the arcade. A bit more cramped for space, and the line going in and people going out have to fit through a single doorway of standard width. Plus the line length forced to wait outdoors is quite a bit longer than using the lobby.

2. Since this was before 8am most of the voters were people stopping to vote on the way to work. Younger crowd, and quite a few who are voting in this ward for the first time.

3. No one was asked for ID. That was because everyone brought it and already had it out and ready to go. Saw mainly DL, but also military ID, US passports, and even US passport cards used.

4. Saw four people not listed on the rolls and thus asked to step aside and fill out a provisional ballot. From the questions I overheard most of them registered on-line in the last month or so. Oddly enough the three black voters in line all ended up not being on the rolls. I think this was happenstance and not a sign of something systematic.

I hope everyone else who has not voted takes advantage to carry out their civic duty and no issues doing so.

(Oh, who did I vote for? The right candidate! :) )