
And Now, Syria?

JC18/30/2013 2:25:40 pm PDT

re: #214 b_sharp

You’re following the age old practice creationists have followed religiously - take each line of evidence separately and if any possibility other than the one most likely, given all the pieces of evidence taken in context with each other, exists, reject the whole thing.

Are you seriously comparing the mountain of evidence that exists for evolution with the ‘mountain’ of evidence that Assad’s people carried out a chem weapon attach last week?

What we have is super secret sources that we can’t reveal, and whose credibility and agenda we can’t verify, some grainy youtube videos, and some supposedly intercepted phone calls.

If the evidence for evolution wholly consisted of super secret testimony of someone claiming that they have seen fossils, grainy clips of Jurrassic Park, and an intercepted phone call between 2 AAS members discussing an observed E.coli mutation that allowed it to grow in citrate in the presence of Oxygen, then you probably shouldn’t put too much stock in it.

Chemical weapon use leaves a residue that’s easy to test for. Why aren’t we waiting until the experts on the ground run the tests?

Was there use of gas? If so, was it was wide spread as claimed?
Those things can be conclusively tested, without needing to resort to unverified sources and youtube clips.