
Watch Live as Deluded Liberals Join Hands With Far Right Loons

goddamnedfrank10/26/2013 1:18:42 pm PDT

re: #234 Political Atheist

The ACLU has come to a different conclusion, and I agree with them.

That statement is so overbroad and full of knowns flaws as to be useless. There’s no actual confirmation that they’re including the metadata program or even talking about it. They say the NSA is regularly tracking all calls made by and to Americans, when the difference is they’ve been made trackable, putting the metadata in a database that requires a separate warrant to access. The word metadata isn’t even mentioned in that ACLU writeup. Lastly and most obviously, ignoring everything else “largely enabled” doesn’t mean entirely made possible by.

I love the ACLU, but if you’re on their list, getting their Facebook feeds, etc. then you know that they’re playing very fast and loose with the facts of the NSA spying program, and fundraising furiously off of it.