
Elizabeth Warren Reads the Riot Act to the House GOP

Nyet5/12/2014 9:08:49 am PDT

re: #226 iossarian

Not only that, ours want to influence yours. Vice-minister for communcations Alexey Volin:

We do know that among a large number of western people the Russian position on gays and drugs and many others things finds support. Around the world there are many people who hold traditional, conservative values. This is our target audience. Those who have gone crazy because of the political correctness and gayness, lesbianism or something else can not be altered. Sick people! God will judge them. We are dealing with the healthy.
[Question:] For example, there is a country like the United States, with its tolerance in this respect, with its political correctness , on which the new organization is also focused …
- Without a doubt . And we know many members of the Republican Party, conservative Americans who say they envy us .