
Alex Jones Says Rand Paul Is Lying About Moderating His Extreme Positions

BeachDem1/28/2015 4:56:27 pm PST

re: #218 Blind Frog Belly White

I’ve concluded that in their minds there are only 3 kinds of people:

1. Them. That is, people who have jobs and health insurance for whom the above scenario wouldn’t happen, because insurance would take care of it.

2. The disabled. These are the only poor people deserving of help, so charity will take care of them.

3. The Lazy And Shiftless. Everyone who CAN work MUST work, and everyone who DOES work must get a good enough job to have health insurance, or they deserve to go bankrupt from health bills because they should have had a better job.

It does no good to point out that there are only so many jobs that have health insurance, because they are unable to see things like that.

There’s a 4th category—those who fall into category 3, but feel that the description doesn’t apply to them.

The brother of a friend falls into it. WORSHIPS Rush; hasn’t had a real job in about 10 years—feels nothing is suitable to his “talents”—he could work as a line cook, but only wants to own a restaurant, so instead, sells doodads at a flea market; lives on his mother’s couch (he’s about 60, she’s close to 90); blames teachers’ unions for all the ills of the world.

Borrowed money from his brother all the time, until he borrowed to repair his car—brother, onto his scams, went and bought the car parts instead of giving him the money—then the creep returned the parts and spent the money on booze and cigarettes.

He had a medical emergency that required life flight and about 10 days in the hospital. Of course, no insurance, but felt the care was his due for some odd reason.

But he feels superior to just about everyone he encounters.