
Sunday Jam: Charlie Hunter, "Who Put You Behind the Wheel"

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus11/21/2016 4:08:58 am PST

This should be alarming:

Powerful Japanese lawmaker urges re-evaluation of U.S. relationship with Trump taking office

Japan must undertake a major review of the way its decades-long alliance with the United States works and adopt a more proactive approach toward its top ally after Donald Trump takes office in January, a veteran Diet member said Monday in Tokyo.

Come next year, “Japan can’t just sit back and do what it’s told to do by the United States. We must make active proposals and swiftly reform our foreign policy where necessary. Otherwise, we shouldn’t try and embark on what will become a very tough negotiation” on various issues with the U.S. under Trump, Shigeru Ishiba, a heavyweight in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party, said at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan.

Ishiba, a former defense minister and LDP secretary-general, met with Michael Flynn, […]

“He had a very accurate understanding of how important the Japan-U.S. alliance is,” Ishiba said of Flynn. But this is not to say, Ishiba emphasized, that the two were complacent about the Japan-U.S. relationship. In fact, Ishiba said, they had a shared understanding that it “cannot remain as it is.”


Ishiba can be very Trump-y in his authoritarianism:

Secrecy law protests ‘act of terrorism’: LDP secretary-general

Citizens demonstrating against the controversial state secrets bill are committing “an act terrorism,” according to Liberal Democratic Party Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba.

In a blog post Friday, he wrote: “If you want to realize your ideas and principles, you should follow the democratic principles, by gaining as much support as you can. I think the strategy of merely shouting one’s opinions at the top of one’s lungs is not so fundamentally different from an act of terrorism.”

In a speech Sunday in Toyama Prefecture, Ishiba maintained his criticism of the rallies being held outside the prime minister’s office. More than 1,000 people gathered there last Tuesday when the ruling coalition rammed the state secrets bill through the Lower House.


Ishiba can be a real nut case in some aspects, such as his UFO-ology.

He’s also for Japan having a nuclear weapons deterrent.