
Snarky Puppy Live @ Festival Django Reinhardt 2018: "Grown Folks"

Jay C2/16/2019 10:59:42 am PST

re: #242 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I will say it again: If DT had been the least bit serious about The Wall as anything but a rallying point and a symbol, he would have commissioned a planning, engineering, environmental and legal impact study, presented design proposals, a budget and a timetable.

He claims that he has experience with large-scale construction projects, but he has yet to do any of those things.

Well, one problem may be that Donald Trump, AFAICT, for all his insanely-self-hyped rep as a “developer” hasn’t done much of any real “developing”
- i.e. the sort that actually involves construction - in decades. Most of his (relatively) recent “projects” have been either “branding” deals (putting his name on other peoples’ projects) or pure self-promotion/scams (Trump U. Trump steaks, etc., The Apprentice). I think the days when Trump would actually want to get involved with “planning, engineering, environmental and legal impact study, presented design proposals, a budget and a timetable” - assuming he EVER even did - are long gone.