
Donald Trump Says Obama Committed the Biggest Crime in US History, but He Doesn't Feel Like Telling You What It Was

Jay C5/12/2020 6:32:37 am PDT

re: #247 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

An example of South Korea’s extremely effective COVID containment strategy. Do we even have the ability to do this kind of cell phone blast?

Well, no.

No “ability” - since SK is, IIRC, one of the most “wired” countries in the world, and the US is still lacking in even adequate Internet service in a good many places (as Anymouse can, and frequently does, attest); and cellphone usage is FAR from universal, in any case.

And besides, we seem to be populated with an above-average percentages of self-absorbed dumbshits whose first response to a cellphone “blast” is likely to be outrage like “how did they get my number???” and/or “GOVERNMENT SPYING!!1!11!!”…..