
Seth Meyers: Putin Rattles World With Nuclear Threat as Trump Calls Him Smart Again

lawhawk3/01/2022 7:05:34 am PST

re: #243 Dangerman

Russia throws out a new tech - a high speed cruise missile. Everyone suddenly thinks that our navy can’t handle hypersonic weapons. We have to build a countermeasure system.

Russia shows off a new model fighter jet. We think we no longer have air dominance. So we build new weapons to counter.

The reality is that the Russians aren’t able to deploy those systems in significant numbers to make a difference. The Russians went to war in Russia with a bunch of older tanks - T-90s, and not the Armata’s that are supposed to be their front line tank.

The equivalent here would be if the US went to war in Iraq and sent our M-48/M-60 tanks while holding back the M1 tanks. Russia has just a handful of aircraft that match up in capabilities to US front line fighters like the F-22 or F-35. It’s also been clear that the Russian pilots don’t match up to US pilots because of the lack of resources for training and preparation, and that counts even more than the equipment itself.