
YouTube Bans James Randi

realwest3/30/2009 10:39:12 pm PDT

re: #213 pink freud
No, as I said, Thank you! From your link:

It’s a job where you want a strong defender of America’s sovereignty. But that’s not Koh. He’s a fan of “transnational legal process,” arguing that
What would this look like in a practical sense? Well, California voters have overruled their courts, which had imposed same-sex marriage on the state. Koh would like to see such matters go up the chain through federal courts — which, in turn, should look to the rest of the world. If Canada, the European Human Rights Commission and the United Nations all say gay marriage should be legal — well, then, it should be legal in California too, regardless of what the state’s voters and elected representatives might say.

He even believes judges should use this “logic” to strike down the death penalty, which is clearly permitted in the US Constitution.

The primacy of international legal “norms” applies even to treaties we reject. For example, Koh believes that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child — a problematic document that we haven’t ratified — should dictate the age at which individual US states can execute criminals. Got that? On issues ranging from affirmative action to the interrogation of terrorists, what the rest of the world says, goes.

[emphasis realwest].
It is apparent that Koh has no real regard for the Constitution, Federal or State laws, whatsover. And when he says:”the distinctions between US and international law should vanish. ” What he really means and IS saying is that the protections Americans have EARNED through the Bill of Rights, for example freedom of speech and press should go out the window because they are NOT the norms of International Law. Too many Americans have fought to preserve those rights through too many wars for anyone to have the right (other than the American People under the Constitution) to deny that to us. And, indeed, IIRC, the USA is the ONLY nation which doesn’t prosecute hate speech (except where someone says “Kill that bastard” to a crowd while pointing one individual out). The ONLY NATION IN THE WORLD WITH THOSE PARTICULAR PROTECTIONS IN IT’S BASIC GOVERNING DOCUMENT.
We don’t have “Hate Speech Crimes” prosecuted here when someone speaks out against a group of people - e.g., Muslim Jihadists - who are trying to KILL US.
Just look at Canada and Great Britain as examples.
“Hate Crimes” including hate speech crimes can come crashing down on your head (see, e.g., Ezra Levant) for speaking your mind in public about a particular group of people. That cannot happen here in the USA and I refuse to believe that even if Koh gets on SCOTUS that OUR Constitution would be so falsely construed as to allow Hate Speech laws to be upheld.