
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

Ben Hur5/26/2009 10:19:13 am PDT

re: #204 Charles

Be aware that the Sotomayor quotes you’re going to hear over and over before her confirmation hearings were cherry-picked well ahead of time by political attack squads that combed through every public statement of every possible nominee. The GOP came out with these quotes within minutes of the announcement — they had them ready.

She may be a terrible nominee, or she may be less than terrible. I don’t trust this political process for Sotomayor, just as I didn’t trust it for Roberts.

Our political system has become little more than a tool for partisan attacks, and I’m not going to jump on the bandwagon.

I’ve seen enough on video, in context, in her own words.

I am not a liberal democrat, so it’s a safe bet I wouldn’t support a liberal judge regardless.