
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

jcm7/20/2009 12:37:21 pm PDT

My original birth certificate no longer exists.

It was destroyed by the state after records where convert to electronic.

I do have a photo copy (the real photo copy method not that new fangled Xerox shit) of the original, it is stamped and notarized as an “official copy” it was good enough for the USAF and security clearance.

I also have a modern print out on a laser form that looks like the same form Hawaii used expect with my state of birth seal, it was printed out from the state’s database, and is a legal birth certificate.

It would be impossible for me to produce my “original” birth certificate. I do have two documents certified by the state which care the same legal weight as the “original.”

Any nirthers out there think I am not a citizen?