
Video: Birth of a Climate Denier Talking Point

Bagua10/07/2009 10:15:25 pm PDT

re: #243 swamprat

Can’t believe I jumped in to defend G.W.s’ right to disagree and he pissed his way through the whole thread.
Live and learn.

I didn’t think he was a troll, he just didn’t like having the work evil bandied about. Many people are uneasy with the fact that “deniers” are always painted as evil liars or shills. No doubt some of them are. But many people are honest sceptics, and it is human nature to have bias and to spin things.

re: #246 swamprat

Let’s talk about dams!
You realize that this is largely about allowing nuke power?

I’m assuming you mean the blocking of dams as well?