
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

SanFranciscoZionist5/20/2010 10:36:56 pm PDT

re: #209 WindUpBird

What is a Dhimi

The term refers legally to a non-Muslim subject of a Muslim state, traditionally subject to taxes, sumptuary restrictions and other legal limitations or lack of recourse under the law.

Think, “Jim Crow”, or the legal status of Jews in Europe before the Napoleonic Code.

Of late, it has become a sort of catchphrase to refer both to the status Muslims are presumed to want to reduce non-Muslims to, and has been adapted to essentially mean an Uncle Tom—a non-Muslim who is duped by Muslim talk of peace, or concedes to Muslims out of fear or stupidity.

Recently used of Donald Trump by Debbie Schlussel.

Irritatingly used with English suffixes to produce horrific words like ‘dhimmification’, and ‘dhimmify’.