
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

Nimed8/22/2010 5:40:43 pm PDT

re: #115


She’s denying any connection whatsoever with this rally, and that small detail might be true.

And I say it’s a small detail, because in the larger picture, what is also true, is that the anger of these people was carefully nurtured and stoked by her (and friends); she may have had nothing to do with this rally, but responsibility for it is directly on her shoulders.

I first saw this video a couple of years ago - I was immediately convinced she is a loon of the first order, and wants attention more than she wants to hold to any sort of principle.

Wow, that’s a hell of a clip. Geller comes across as vapid, hypercaffeinated and crazy as a peach orchard boar.