
Anti-Mosque Bigots Are Helping America's Enemies

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)8/31/2010 2:51:17 pm PDT

re: #247 sliv_the_eli

Restriction on free speech is inherent in elevating the “risk” that speech causes moderates to become extremists to a level on, or even close to, a par with the right to virtually unfettered free speech. If we self-censor out of fear that our speech will be taken, rightly or wrongly, accurately or inaccurately, as a basis to recruit moderates to extremism then, as the cliche goes, the enemy has already won.

Nobody is suggesting that we self-censor because of that. People are pointing that this is one consequence, and given that the speech is racist, bigoted, anti-American anyway, should already be self-censored on those grounds.