
Craziest Fundamentalist Republican Wins Iowa Straw Poll

Spocomptonite8/13/2011 9:03:32 pm PDT

re: #237 lostlakehiker

You’re really reaching. How many people live in Aspen? How many people live in the other fifty thousand small towns where costs are very different? Get this: yeah, the minimum wage is not remotely sufficient to buy a lifestyle IN ASPEN, or Manhattan, or name your high-cost region, that will keep a worker safely fed and housed. The conditions would be, at a minimum, too crowded. Infectious disease would be a real risk.

But what about, oh, say, Fredonia, Kansas? Or Navasota, Texas?

Exactly half of all cities in the U.S. are more expensive than average.
So, what do all the low-income earners do in the expensive areas? Mass migrate to Kansas like a reverse Dustbowl?