
Just Some More Overt Racism and Hate Speech at Breitbart "News"

ObserverArt12/06/2013 4:43:48 pm PST

A lot of what you are all commenting on has a lot to do with the thinking that a true federal, small, stripped down government would have nothing else to spend money on and maintain other than defense. That covers everyone from staunch conservative, to neocon to some libertarians…even some centrist Democrats. So, point being, it will always be hard to shake the defense budget.

I know what I am posting is a simplistic explanation, but it is really at the heart of a lot of the argument about what the Federal government is responsible for and what should all else be left for states.

So, with that thinking the money spent always seems to get excused as they see it as needed for defense and for a strong country, etc. I think it has been pushed for so long in this country the Defense contractors know they are covered, so they see room for profit and growth of the toys needed to “get the job done.”

In a way, they shock and awe and starwars the US populace too.