
Overnight Short Animation With Poetry: Common Room

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)4/04/2014 9:13:47 am PDT

re: #244 darthstar

Prop 8 supporters will always qualify their positions.

I have sympathy for a lot of Prop 8 supporters. Especially older people, out of touch, fed a steady stream of propaganda by Fox News, I can forgive people getting scared and weirded out and voting for, basically “No change!” If this guy had been a janitor or programmer or something, I would have thought firing him was shitty.

But he was the CEO. That’s what Killgore and all the others need to dodge all the time, that he was the CEO.

Would you trust a dude who gave money to an anti-miscegenation campaign that would forbid marriage between races, to really be equitable in his leadership of the company towards minorities? Would you expect any black dude to believe that he’d get treated fairly there? Of course not.