
Overnight Short Documentary: Portrait of My Grandfather: 80 and Still Cycling

Dr. Matt5/19/2014 8:15:42 am PDT

re: #239 Bulworth

Obama also epic-failing at locking all the RWNJ in FEMA death panel trailer camps like promised. /

But EPIC WIN at disbanding the protest via HAARP

Washington Times reader: 01) Yes. I agree, the Feds fired-up HAARP. However, do not let this be an end to this noble movement. Restart! Frankly, I wish the event had been staged locally, and at state capitals, in compliment to the DC event. I think what “scared-off” potential attendees was the logistics of a supposed-rally of 30 million-that’s roughly 10% of the population! Similar anti-Barry events in DC have been MUCH more successful and noteworthy. This one, thought noble, proved a terrible embarrassment, only ennobling and enabling the tyrant-in-chief and his minions. The failure here wasn’t in cause, but in planning and forethought and the failure of a supportive conservative press. Restart!