
The Incredibly Creepy James O'Keefe Clown Show Goes to Colorado

Ian G.10/21/2014 6:24:39 am PDT

re: #199 Vicious Piebola

Let’s also get a few other things straight. 1770s =/= 1940s or 2010s. The British were, technologically-speaking, on about the same level as the colonists. They didn’t have Abrams tanks or F-15s armed with satellite-guided bombs.

Also, the whole idea that we were resisting some sort of tyrannical government in Britain is bizarre. Great Britain was among the more progressive countries in the world at that time. They were never going to commit the wholesale massacres and atrocities necessary to put down an insurrection, as British public opinion would never have allowed for it. Hell, it was British public opinion tiring of the war that finally got us to the negotiating table where we were granted independence.

You think Hitler or the Soviets were going to think twice about human rights or public opinion before incinerating entire towns to punish them for insurgency? OK……