
What if the Ku Klux Klan Were More Inclusive?

lawhawk11/12/2014 6:15:06 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. With Thanksgiving a few weeks away, now’s a good time to check where the best deals are online. is my go-to, and I’ve already seen ads for a 50 inch Panasonic tv for $199. That’s probably a good deal (don’t know the specs to know for sure).

So, while there are deals to be had, workers at many of the brick and mortar stores are still getting the raw end of the deal; the latest being that two of the nation’s biggest and most profitable malls have decided to open on Thanksgiving for the first time since they were built. Garden State Plaza and Paramus Park malls in Bergen County NJ are going to open from 6pm to 11pm on Thanksgiving day. However, the Nordstroms and Neiman Marcus will be closed. JC Penny will open at 5pm.

I think that’s just nuts. The stores are trying to outdo each other by opening up earlier and earlier, and some are already jumping into Black Friday “sales” even now. Add in online sales, and you’ve got a recipe for workers getting the opportunity to work more and spending less time with their families on a day of thanks.

If the stores are opening to shoppers at 6pm, that means that workers will have to be there earlier than that to open the store, and will probably be putting in a full day’s worth of hours (8 hours) when all’s said and done.