
Seth Meyers Weighs in on Trump's Shutdown Over His Racist Fantasy Wall [VIDEO]

Jay C12/21/2018 6:13:15 pm PST

re: #236 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Ironically, the French Army’s defense in depth wasn’t actually that bad. The problem was that they committed their best units to a fight on the wrong front, and put their weakest units at the hinge. If the 1st French Army had been held on the border and been available to counterattack against the bridgeheads once the aerial assault had failed, it probably would have been game over for the Germans. But as mentioned upthread, the French believed the Ardennes were impassable, and ignored intelligence reports suggesting that the Germans were coming that way.

Not to mention the biggest problem with the Maginot Line was that it stopped at the Belgian border: and the French didn’t complete it because:
1) They didn’t want to spend the money, and
2) They didn’t want to offend the Belgians by fortifying their “peaceful” border, so they went with Plan B; i.e. wait til the Germans attacked through Belgium, then rush in with an armored force.

Would have worked, too, maybe: except the Belgians also abandoned the Ardennes sector. Ooops….