
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Buzz Ding 2000

lawhawk1/26/2022 8:42:23 am PST

re: #240 Dopamine Fish

And now, he is apparently claiming that because he is going to appeal this denial all the way up to SCOTUS, the case can’t proceed; and because he refuses to call the Rule 16 conference a Rule 16 conference, they can’t do discovery on him. I have to wonder what sleazy lawyers he found that are okay writing this garbage. Like, I would feel dirty if I was a lawyer and I found myself playing literal word games to try to do an end run around the clearly written and established rules.

That’s not something that can be done - and if it is done, it’s so vanishingly rare, that it’d be precedential IMO. You aren’t going to get any court supporting Lindell’s position on the denial, because you’re still supposed to produce evidence even as the decision is appealed.

They know that there’s the Federal Rules of Evidence and Federal Rules of Procedure, and these fucknuts are trying to ignore both. This isn’t going to end well.