
ElBaradei: 'I'm Not Taking Sides' on the Destruction of Israel

Desert Dog2/02/2009 11:28:07 am PST

re: #223 FurryOldGuyJeans

For every dollar used by government to create a new job is effectively 3 lost from the GDP since there is no product created or service being performed.

It does not take a large amount of intellect to see that. Why do liberal and leftist economists and policy planners insist on creating new government jobs then?

So they can make more and more people dependent on the government and consolidate their power…

I am an optimist by nature, but I am growing increasingly cynical and pessimistic the more I see of our new “Great Leader”. I can hardly wait for the new 5 Year Plan from the Central Committee once this largest spending bill in history fails to revive the economy. We are screwed…ugh