
Krauthammer: When Austria Mocks You, You're Having a Bad Week

Scion94/11/2009 9:25:37 am PDT

re: #132 Walter L. Newton

If it’s true, what’s the problem? If she was Muslim, and they kept that quiet, would that be ok?

They keep murders, and the details on those murders quiet all the time. On a daily basis basically. Good luck finding a comprehensive report on every single murder in America, right down to the profession, hobbies and relationship of either the victim or perpetrator.

There is no “if” in the equation. It is currently not Ok that they are currently ‘keeping quiet’, and the fact that murders that occur today will go practically unreported.

I won’t rake anyone over the coals for including lots of details in a news report; but there is absolutely no “If” when it comes to not reporting details that are inconvenient to their bias. Especially when those details are “racist”.

Why isn’t the headline about the latest gangland shooting, et cetera? Can’t advertise that we basically have active ethnocentric paramilitary youth movements in our cities. Or ultraviolent organized criminals that essentially control our southern border. Personally, I find that a lot more interesting and disturbing than a Sunday School teacher murderer (not that I don’t find it interesting and disturbing at all though).

Why aren’t these murders (including mass murders) headlines every. single. day. No “if” about selective reporting at all. Especially considering a young Muslim American woman apparently was arrested for a child murder very recently (last week I believe), and it is of course not a headline, anywhere (not that it even should be, and part of the problem is that the Sunday School teachers victim was a cute little white girl, which plays into a subset of ‘Missing White Woman Syndrome’.)

I would still rather have news concerning the massive amount of gang and crime related violence that happens every single day, as it is much more relevant to the actually situation of the country than random nutjobs; but it likewise will continue to go almost completely unreported by major news outlets in favor of sensationalist stories that fit a specific narrative.