
Onion: Tragedy Narrowly Averted at Clippers Game

SteveC10/30/2009 9:53:58 pm PDT

re: #222 austin_blue

And illegals definitely contribute to the cost of health care, but not to the degree that the gaspers infer. The large majority of health care care costs in this country that are laid back on local taxpayers are from the uninsured citizen. It sucks.

It’s not a solution, but it is a start. People present at the Emergency room because they call a Primary Care Physician and can’t get an appointment for a MONTH.

We need more PCP’s, tha would relieve the crisis in the ER. Doctors aren’t going into Primary Care because Medical School is so damn expensive and Primary Care pays very little (and has much worse hours) that the specialties. So perhaps the answer is to subsidize medical schools and those who chose primary care.

But even if you do that and it works, we’re still going to have a PCP shortage for years while these new docs work their way through school, intern, etc.