
Bibi and Abu Mazen Shake, Agree to Talk

elbruce9/02/2010 3:16:05 pm PDT

re: #248 researchok

Bummer. Too bad the Palestinians didn’t make peace decades ago.

So they had their chance, and now peace will not be possible. Just come out and say you oppose peace. Quit dancing around it like a coy troll.

re: #248 researchok

In the end, it doesn’t matter. Israel has always given up territory for peace or promises of peace.

It is the Palestinians who don’t deliver.

“Tell you what, you stop being mad at me and I’ll give you a little of your land back.”

Last time I looked at a map, Israel still controls the borders of all of it. There are a lot of reasons regarding that, but you hardly get to complain about how much land Israel has “given up.”