
GOP House Candidate Says Civil Rights is a 'Local Issue'

webevintage9/08/2010 12:41:14 pm PDT

re: #213 webevintage

The other thing I am sick of hearing in the last month?
How fucking important the deficit is EXCEPT when it comes to letting the tax cuts expire on the top income earners in this country. Magically the deficit is now not really important.
And people are buying this shit the Republicans are shoveling.

Exhibit A:
GOP Claims $50 Billion For Infrastructure Is Too Pricey, While Pushing $800 Billion Tax Cut For The Rich

This week, President Obama rolled out a plan to invest $50 billion in infrastructure as a way of boosting job creation, which will be (at least partially) paid for by cutting subsidies to oil and gas companies. Republicans immediately criticized the proposal, with even Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), who typically jumps at the chance to approve infrastructure spending, saying he wouldn’t vote for it.
But many Republicans, at the same time that they are claiming that a $50 billion investment in America’s infrastructure is a budget-buster, are pushing to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest two percent of Americans. At $830 billion, the price tag for extending that sliver of the Bush cuts is more than 16 times the cost of Obama’s infrastructure proposal