
And Now, The Pamela Geller Blog Generator

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/09/2010 5:48:37 pm PST

re: #239 Rightwingconspirator

Much of this radar data is FOIA accessible. Someone should take it all and crunch it through the software to track this thing in space and time. Drill down. Is there a blade count? Ionization? What is the speed and altitude of the track. If there is no track you have a stealth weapon test.If you get 30,000 feet 550 mph and 4 blade counts, you have airliner.

Yeah exactly. Now consider this quote from KT’s article:

A Pentagon official said that an examination of radar data, satellite imagery and other sophisticated monitoring technology by multiple U.S. government agencies has turned up no conclusive evidence that a missile was fired in that vicinity and at that time.

Even U.S. agencies that monitor launches of rockets by private individuals or companies had no information of a launch, he said.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing, said that FAA records showed commercial airliners were flying in the area at the time, and that most government experts were coming to the conclusion that the condensation trail was caused by an aircraft. “The best we can tell, it was probably caused by an aircraft,” the official said.

No conclusive evidence? To the best you can tell, probably?


We know where, and when it was, and in what direction. If it was a big jet, between known schedules, take offs and landings, with all the different scanning stuff out there and satellite imagery, they should be able to tell us exactly which plane it was.

Thee should be NO doubt whatsoever.

Because there should be no doubt whatsoever, and he didn’t say something like it was flight 808 out of Tokyo and there was an interesting atmospheric effect, someone is covering up something.

Now maybe they are covering up a military flight - who knows, but this is not something that is solved at all.