
Rachel Maddow and Jon Stewart

Gus11/12/2010 8:06:36 am PST

re: #242 CuriousLurker

I can’t do it. Every couple of months I’ll try looking at some wingnut site or other, and I usually can’t take reading any of them for more a couple of minutes.

My last foray was into Ayn Rand stuff. I don’t remember where I heard of Leni Riefenstahl (maybe here), but I googled her and her photos immediately reminded me of the woman with the globe of the Harpy’s site. That, in turn, led to googling the Ayn Rand stuff. Truly bizarre stuff.

The internet has an endless supply of crazy, doesn’t it? The ability of the human mind to go in all sorts of different directions seems nearly infinite.

Drudge is my limit though. There’s far worse out there and the Harpy’s is one of them. I often wonder how people like her have the stamina to be so enraged and obsessed every single day of the week on one specific target.

I’ll observe what he links and how he re-writes the titles. But I’ll never venture out into Lew Rockwell country unless it’s the topic of a thread. I can if I wanted to and it will make my stomach turn but I have other things on my mind too like being broke.

Of course I would include the opposite end with sites like Indymedia or World Can’t Wait, A.N.S.W.E.R., etc. And the truther sites — blech.