
Chris Matthews on Glenn Beck and Frank Gaffney

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/03/2011 5:55:06 pm PST

re: #241 Lateralis

ok sorry that was weird. I don’t know why it didn’t post but I will try again.

Jackass, really? Mathews draws a direct comparison to the hate speech in the Middle East which comes from where, Islamic governments and Jihadist. No he did not name Osama but he drew the comparison without naming him.

Actually, what he says, directly, is that Beck is like some of the raving lunatics in Egypt right now.

There’s no need for you to fabricate the Osama comparison.

His rhetoric is paranoid but if he preached violent revolution he wouldn’t be on the airwaves.

Why do you believe this?

It really is a slippery slope when you start drawing a causal link between a talk show host’s rhetoric and someones absurd behavior.

Are you aware of the Tides Foundation shooter?

Why are you willing to dismiss that obvious fucking danger of Beck accusing Obama and liberals in general of attempting to undermine the US, destroy our society, and cause global Marxism or a caliphate or whatever? If someone believes him, what would the obvious course of action be?

Why are you ignoring that he said that Pelosi would have to shoot Van Jones in the head? What did he mean by that? You’re saying it wasn’t literal— so you’re honestly saying it was some sort of ‘figurative’ use of the phrase ‘shoot them in the head’?