
Israel Approves New Settlement Construction After Mass Murder of Family

CuriousLurker3/13/2011 5:02:46 pm PDT

re: #237 Sergey Romanov

It boils down to this: when talking about ethnic, religious, racial groups all of us - sociologists included - should be very careful, especially in public forums. An inherently dangerous territory. “Think twice before entering.”

Indeed. I’m try to be very careful about anything I say those topics because I know how easily they can be misinterpreted, and also because I feel like having made a public statement about being a practicing Muslim, my statements may be seen as representative of other Muslims (regardless of whether or not they are).

This is especially true when I go near—as marjoriemoon called it—That Subject (Israelis & Palestinians), which I mostly avoid except to express dismay when something like the horrible murder of this family occurs. I don’t avoid it because I don’t care or I don’t think it’s important, but because I don’t really understand all the bits and pieces and also because it pains me to see Muslims committing horrible, unjust, inhumane acts.

OT: I’m glad you’re here as I have a question I’ve been meaning to ask. Is there any way to get in touch with you by email (or however) outside of here? The reason I ask is because I’m doing some research & info gathering and would like to ask you opinions on a couple of things and get a little advice. Only if it wouldn’t be an imposition, of course—I totally understand if you’d rather not.